holland fotograaf: Bruges, street-shot
holland fotograaf: Bruges by evening
holland fotograaf: Bruges by night
Stefan_Bilder: Waldameisen
Stefan_Bilder: Silberreiher
Stefan_Bilder: Kormoran
jaylt466: R52_7316-Enhanced-NR-08-23
jaylt466: R52_5064-Enhanced-NR-08-23
Bryan Carnathan: This Image Made Possible by the R5 II's Pre-Continuous Shooting Feature – Little Green Heron Grabs a Tadpole
Lucien Schilling: Cadzand-Bad
Lutecia88: Secoué [ Cap breton]
Lutecia88: Océan d'amour [ Capbreton]
Lutecia88: Fissures [Saint Palais sur mer ]
Lutecia88: Big bang [ Gujan Mestras ]
Lutecia88: Quiet [ Pauillac ]
Lutecia88: Back and forth [ Wharf la salie ]
Lutecia88: Wharf la Salie
Lutecia88: The hole [ Royan ]
Lutecia88: On the rocks [ Saint Palais sur mer ]
Lutecia88: Plenitude [ Pyla sur mer]
Lutecia88: The rock [ Rocher de Bidart]
Njones03: Bassin d'Arcachon : Sunset Port de Larros
Lutecia88: Amen [ Gujan port de Larros]
Gurutx: Phare de Biarritz
Luw G: Sunset Royan
G. HyS: Les carrelets au coucher
VanoDodo: 160508 vacances mai2-520.jpg