SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8824 Flor '15, Torino - Rose
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8772 Flor '15, Torino - Rosa centifolia
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8786 Flor15, Torino - Rosa
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8751 Flor '15, Torino - Rose
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8875 Flor '15, Torino - Rosa scuro-nera
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Flor '15, Torino - Rosa scuro-nera del Vivaio Le rose profumate di Sandro Glorio - corso Luigi Saguato, 15 Diano S.Pietro - Imperia
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8843 IMG_8824 Flor '15, Torino - Rose
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8845 Flor '15, Torino - Rose
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8847 Flor '15, Torino - Rosa rampicante Camelot del vivaio Soria in strada dei fiori 8 (Borgata Falcettini ) CHIERI (TO)
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8888 Flor '15 - TORINO IRIS
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8816 Flor '15, Torino - gerani
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8810 Flor '15, Torino iris
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8801 Flor '15, Torino - IRIS
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8795 Flor '15, - IRIS
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8880 Flor '15, Torino - Variopinte Peonie !!!!!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8868 Flor '15, Torino - Rose a grappolo !!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8910 Flor '15, Torino - Rosa screziata di rosso
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8908 Flor '15, Torino - Rose in grappolo !!!!