oshcan: Racing around to come up behind you again
Khurram Khan...: Christmas is early this year.
Bill7870: EdwinForsytheNWR_20111120_0382
Christine Fusco: 100 DEGREES + = "AIR QUALITY ALERT !!! " ~ Being Silly
Kathleen127: Pond Frog
PictureOnTheWall: Belted Kingfisher Bombay Hook 27Nov09
martytdx: I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Now
martytdx: And I'll hug him, and kiss him and call him George. And then I'll eat him.
Ducklover Bonnie: Mr. Wood Duck displays his colours for the gals and they love it
michaelrosenbaum: belted kingfisher
Mister Oy: Mandarin
Cláudio Dias Timm: Biguatinga (Anhinga anhinga anhinga) juvenil
blue corgi: Petal
brinnylad: Mandarins
Christine Fusco: Gull & Clam
Mawrter: Seagull landing on sluice gate
MurrayH77: Say AAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!
Mawrter: My first Snow Goose fly over of the year!
Billtacular: Contemplative
jackhawk9: "Cooper's Hawk" "Accippiter cooperil"
jackhawk9: "Bald Eagle" "Haliaeetus leucocephalus"
Art-: Northern Shoveler Fly-By
Art-: Northern Harrier
Mark Schwall: Hooded Merganser
Larry469: E.B. Forsythe N.W.R.
Billtacular: 286/365
Burrows Fine Art Photography: Climate Differences