Scribble Town!: Dragon Over the Clouds (2014). Webster dictionary, inks, pigments, Plexiglass, wood, LEDs. 18 x 21 x 16 (h) inches. (47.7 x 53.3 x 40.6 cm)
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!
Scribble Town!: Scribble Artist Interview with Shetal Soni!