blindasabat101: DFB07727
blindasabat101: DFB07728
Cosper Wosper: Shortie
Judith White: Through broken glass. My shot of the month for May, because it’s different.
aljones27: Departing [Explored 25/4/18]
Cosper Wosper: Early Mining Bee ~ Andrena haemorrhoa
Dave Whiteman - AU: Life of the Railway Navvy
Eifeltopia: The beacon of the Wegelnburg
Achim Thomae Photography: Winter Magic - Bavaria
Matt Payne Photography: The Dome of Silence
M-J-Turner-Photography: Castlerigg Stone Circle, Aurora Borealis & The Plough
MargitHylland: Under the clouds
Sue_Hutton: Nottingham (29 of 72)
DLizbinski: Moraine Lake - Banff Canada
Tor Magnus Anfinsen: Tor Magnus Anfinsen-000176 in Explore Oct 27, 2016 #33
Jaykhuang: Autumn Symphony
Dave Massey Photography: Twin Peaks Buttermere
MarkWaidson: Moonlit Piazza (explored 28/10/16 #4)
bcbirdergirl: (EXPLORE) The simple Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) - Ladner, BC
bloodybee: polish blast (brescia, italy)
Mohsan': STREET
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang / Sunset (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥ Splintered Light above the Pic de Countende - French Pyrenees (Explored)
Claudia Bacher Photography: Strohballen, Sonnenblumen und Gewitterwolken / straw, sunflower and storm clouds (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥