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albums of Janine in Folsom, LA
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Colombia, SA 6/4-6/20
Cattle egret
Swainson's hawk
Belted kingfisher
Eurasian Collared-dove
Black-legged kittiwake
Greater scaup
Black-crowned night-heron
Forked-tailed flycatcher
Clapper rail
Vermilion flycatcher
American kestrel
Baltimore oriole
Purple gallinule
Eastern wood-pewee
Bachman's sparrow
Yellow-breasted chat
Spotted sandpiper
white-tailed kite
Pectoral sandpiper
Eastern meadowlark
Least flycatcher
Gopher tortoise
Northern harrier
Couch's kingbird
Hairy woodpecker
Bald eagle
Brown-crested flycatcher
Broad-billed hummingbird
White-winged dove
Marsh wren
Eastern phoebe
House wren
Virginia rail
Magnolia warbler
Magnificent frigatebird
Buff-breasted sandpiper
Cooper's hawk
Royal tern
Southern Texas 2-2012 Rio Grande Area counties
Common nighthawk
Southern flying squirrel
Rosy maple moth
Washington State May 2016
Glaucous-winged gull
Solitary sandpiper
Tri-colored heron (previously Louisiana heron)
Black-bellied whistling duck
Scarlet tanager
Great blue heron
Yellow-throated vireo
Cooper's hawk
Costa Rica March 2013
Herring gull
Winter wren
Song sparrow
Horned grebe
Red-breasted merganser
Common loon
Ruby-crowned kinglet
golden-crowned kinglet
swamp sparrow
savannah sparrow
white-breasted nuthatch
Swainson's thrush
tennessee warbler
Gray catbird
Least tern
King rail
Eastern Screech owl owlet
Eastern towhee
Orchard oriole
Red-cockaded woodpecker
Common yellowthroat
Red-tailed hawk
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Pine siskins
Barred owl
Vesper sparrow
Brewer's blackbird
Purple finch
Great-horned owl
American avocet
Lapland longspur
Brown pelican
Loggerhead shrike
Wilson's snipe
carolina wren
Mountain bluebird
Say's phoebe
American robin
Brown creeper
Sedge wren
Marbled godwit
red-bellied woodpecker
Acadian flycatcher
Cliff swallow
Northern rough-winged swallow
Rose-breasted grosbeak
Cedar waxwing
Prairie warbler
White-eyed vireo
Orange-crowned warbler
Inca dove
Northern cardinal
Chipping sparrow
Blue-headed vireo
Pine warbler
Ring-necked duck
Buff-bellied hummingbird
Black skimmer
White-winged scoter
Bonaparte's gull
Rusty blackbird
American pipit
Painted bunting
Ash-throated flycatcher
Calliope hummingbird
Cinnamon teal
Ross's goose
Greater yellowlegs
Brown booby
White-crowned sparrow
Fox sparrow
Northern shoveler
Franklin's Gull
Amazon kingfisher
Green kingfisher
Common merganser
Iceland gull
Swainson's warbler
Western kingbird
Hermit thrush
Hooded merganser
Palm warbler Yellow and Western
Eastern Screech owl
Little blue heron
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Philadelphia vireo
Northern Bobwhite
Black-throated green warbler
Wood Thrush
Red-shouldered hawk
Summer tanager
hooded warbler
Black and White warbler
Greater roadrunner
Painted redstart
yellow warbler
Blue grosbeak
Sandwich tern
Green heron
Gray kingbird
Olive-sided flycatcher
scissor-tailed flycatcher
Pileated woodpecker
Prothonotary warbler
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Brown Thrasher
Eastern bluebird
Swallow-tailed kite
northern parula
Juvie Hall
Mississippi Kite
Great-crested flycatcher
Kentucky warbler
Bronzed cowbird
common red-poll
Red-breasted nuthatch
Hoffmann's woodpecker
Ochraceous wren
Keel-billed toucan
red-billed pigeon
Passerini's tanager
Social Flycatcher
Nutmeg Mannikins
Leucistic ruby-throated hummingbird
Sulphur-bellied Flycatchers
Yellow-crowned night herons
Brown-headed nuthatch
Wild Turkey
Backyard bird community bath