Smoker John: fire risk
Smoker John: plugging the bugler
Smoker John: keenan wynn
Smoker John: detail
Smoker John: silencer kill
Smoker John: riot duty
Smoker John: FFL pioneer
Smoker John: pioneer sergeant
Smoker John: brit biker
Smoker John: richard twitchen
Smoker John: eye of the needle
Smoker John: gar chomping biker
Smoker John:
Smoker John: gambler
Smoker John: tached sergeant
Smoker John: iran 1957
Smoker John: "cracked" mag. feb85
Smoker John: van cleef
Smoker John: start em young
Smoker John: nicholson-last detail
Smoker John: pipeman vietnam 1967
Smoker John: bonding
Smoker John: torrance
Smoker John: right between the eyes
Smoker John: shove it in
Smoker John: loco crew
Smoker John: cowboy smoke
Smoker John: biker kicks