michelhuhardeaux: 006. 1979-08. Bethlehem Depot on a gloomy winter morning. SAR South African Railways.
michelhuhardeaux: 008. 1979-08. Bethlehem Depot on a gloomy winter morning (Class 25NC locomotive).
michelhuhardeaux: 009. 1979-08. The first curve after leaving Bethlehem. 3415 "Smokey" (Class 25NC) at the head of train 75522/55550 to Ficksburg.
michelhuhardeaux: 010. 1979-08. SAR onboard catering services.
michelhuhardeaux: 014. 1979-08. Fire cleaning and water stop at Fouriesburg, Orange Free State.
michelhuhardeaux: 015. 1979-08. Fire cleaning at Fouriesburg, Orange Free State.
michelhuhardeaux: 016. 1979-08. Fire raking and cleaning at Fouriesburg, Orange Free State. Locomotive 3415 "Smokey" (Class 25NC) at the head of train 75522/55550.
michelhuhardeaux: 018. 1979-08. Fire cleaning at Fouriesburg, Orange Free State.
michelhuhardeaux: 020. 1979-08. Between Fouriesburg and Ficksburg, Orange Free State, South Africa. Locomotive 3415 "Smokey" (Class 25NC) at the head of train 75522/55550
michelhuhardeaux: 024. 1979-08. Between Fouriesburg and Ficksburg, Orange Free State. We pass alongside a goods train that was waiting for us on a passing loop.
michelhuhardeaux: 026. 1979-08. Another passing loop between Fouriesburg and Ficksburg, Orange Free State.
michelhuhardeaux: 027. 1979-08. Ficksburg Station, (Orange) Free State Province, Republic of South Africa.
michelhuhardeaux: 028. 1979-08. The diver rakes and cleans the firebox grate at Ficksburg (Class25NC 3415).
michelhuhardeaux: 030. 1979-08. Filling up the tender by the Fireman at Ficksburg. 25NC locomotive 3415 "Smokey".
michelhuhardeaux: 031. 1979-08. Arrival at Kimberley Station.
michelhuhardeaux: 033. 1979-08. Beaconsfield (Kimberley) marshalling yard in the early morning. The last 25C ( N° 3511 ) prepared for shunting duties.
michelhuhardeaux: 034. 1979-08. Beaconsfield (Kimberley) Yard and Station. Class 19D locomotive shunting on a rainy morning.
michelhuhardeaux: 035. 1979-08. Beaconsfield (Kimberley) Yard and Station. Class 12AR locomotive N° 2129 shunting.
michelhuhardeaux: 036. 1979-08. Shunting operations at Beaconsfield (Kimberley) Yard and Station (Class 19D locomotive). South African Railways.
michelhuhardeaux: 042. 1979-08. Beaconsfield (Kimberley) marshalling yard. Shunting operations with the last condenser (Class 25C) in service.
michelhuhardeaux: 043. 1979-08. Early morning in Kimberley Yard and Station. Class 25C locomotive N° 3511 shunting.
michelhuhardeaux: 044. 1979-08. A class 12AR locomotive shunting in the early morning at Kimberley Station (Class 12AR 2129).
michelhuhardeaux: 049. 1979-08. Leaving Kimberley for De Aar behind the usual 25NC.
michelhuhardeaux: 054. 1979-08. SAR Train 72014 stops at Kraankuil Station at 10h54 (Class 25NC N°3472).
michelhuhardeaux: 056. 1979-08. A goods train hauled by 25 NC No. 3847 named "Karolyn" passes through Kraankuil station.
michelhuhardeaux: 058. 1979-08. Train 27077 to Kimberley arriving at Kraankuil Station with 25NC N°3506 "ELSABE".
michelhuhardeaux: 059. 1979-08. Goods train at Kraankuil Station hauled by Class 25NC 3512 "ILSE"
michelhuhardeaux: 061. 1979-08. Goods train at Kraankuil Station (Class 25NC)
michelhuhardeaux: 065. 1979-08. Sunset at Kraankuil Station (Class 25NC).
michelhuhardeaux: 067. 1979-08. Goods train hauled by 25NC 3426, north of Kraankuil Station.