L Vanel:
My friend Thierry does cooking classes & café bistrot in Vieux Lyon. #chef_lyon #coursdecuisine #oldschool
L Vanel:
Mireille Durandeau’s sauce with olive oil, garlic, capers, parsley & a little lemon juice. A tradition in our family on Christmas.
L Vanel:
With this coffee I release all negativity and feel the rumble of the metro shake the table under my elbow and shake me out along with it.
L Vanel:
This may be one of the last almond plum tartes of this year, the apples an pears are in....
L Vanel:
I regretted my stubborn refusal to buy perfect vintage torchons when the lady wouldn’t lower her price at a garage sale a while ago. Behold, found at my favorite depot/brocante in Auvergne to be lovingly used in classes at #plumlyon this fall. Minimal hag
L Vanel:
When your favorite farmer from Ardeche brings you a pound of wild blueberries, after tasting them you make a chesttnut and blueberry tarte. Pronto. #lestestes #faitmaison #plumlyon #ardeche #bringmesun