SqueakyCleanDave: Vote American 2012
SqueakyCleanDave: One shot, one kill. We'd planned on just spotting but this guy was one of the best bucks we've seen both in body size and antlers and he was in a spot I could get to. I had to crawl about a hundred yards in the weeds to get a shot just under 200 yards. I
SqueakyCleanDave: Booooooooooring.
SqueakyCleanDave: I normally defend my hunting as not being just about killing things but I'm in a camo blind on the edge of an alfalfa field right now and I feel like I'm cheating. This is not my idea of sportsmanship or fun and I won't be coming back.
SqueakyCleanDave: Lurking those mulies. #muledeer #colorado shot thru a 30x60 spotting scope on a window mount. Step up your lurk game.