SqueakyCleanDave: Guess Where San Francisco
SqueakyCleanDave: Pavement ends ahead
SqueakyCleanDave: Cone Zone
SqueakyCleanDave: Guess Where
SqueakyCleanDave: Producing Valuable Corrugations
SqueakyCleanDave: Hey GWSF, Either there are more than one of these or this vehicle has moved quite a ways from where I took an earlier GWSF photo of it. Do I take one photo out of the pool? Keep them both in? Please let me know in the comments.
SqueakyCleanDave: Not Eschscholzia Californica
SqueakyCleanDave: Trash Can Theater Thursday
SqueakyCleanDave: S OS DEAD SOS
SqueakyCleanDave: Bay window
SqueakyCleanDave: Make France Grate Again
SqueakyCleanDave: Kuro Neko