southwestgems: Fight injuries to fingernails
southwestgems: Badly beaten young man (effects before adding blood)
southwestgems: Female fight injuries
southwestgems: Female fight injuries
southwestgems: Pedestrian hit by slow moving vehicle, after treatment
southwestgems: Broken leg injury with protruding bone
southwestgems: Airbrushed design for catwalk
southwestgems: 1940's hair and makeup
southwestgems: Fight Injuries
southwestgems: Basic prosthetics face piece and make up
southwestgems: Gender change (Female to Male)
southwestgems: Ageing for theatre
southwestgems: Bald Cap
southwestgems: Copying a portrait; Botticelli Birth of Venus
southwestgems: Severed throat injury
southwestgems: Make up and styling for fashion editorial
southwestgems: Fashion
southwestgems: Fashion
southwestgems: Bodypainting
southwestgems: Beauty hair and Makeup
southwestgems: Styling and hair for fashion editorial
southwestgems: Promotional photoshoot
southwestgems: 1920's hair and makeup
southwestgems: Full head prosthetic piece and makeup