clanchief: Araneus diadematus
clanchief: Araneus diadematus
clanchief: Meta menardi (Cave spider)
clanchief: Meta menardi (Cave Spider)
clanchief: Species to be determined
clanchief: Geotrupes Sp.
clanchief: Weevil
clanchief: Weevil
clanchief: Weevil
clanchief: The Royal Scot at Falahill - colour version
clanchief: The Royal Scot at Falahill
clanchief: Diesel unit at Falahill
clanchief: The Royal Scot at Falahill - colour version
clanchief: The Royal Scot at Falahill - colour version
clanchief: Royal Scot - Falahill
clanchief: Royal Scot - Falahill
clanchief: Fly with fungus
clanchief: Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor
clanchief: Small Tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
clanchief: Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor
clanchief: Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
clanchief: Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
clanchief: Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
clanchief: Peacock - Aglais io
clanchief: Tetragnatha extensa (possibly)
clanchief: Larinioides cornutus - male
clanchief: Lariniodes cornutus - male
clanchief: Lariniodes cornutus - female and male
clanchief: Larinioides cornutus - female
clanchief: Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum