TimN5: Silvereye/Tauhou
TimN5: Mollymawk
TimN5: Two's company
TimN5: Wading waders
TimN5: Morning drill
TimN5: Variable Oyster Catcher
TimN5: Variable Oyster Catchers
TimN5: A white Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: A white Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: A white Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: A white Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: White Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: A white Heron standing in tree top
TimN5: White Heron
TimN5: Baigent Reserve, Tasman
TimN5: Gateway Sculpture, Tasman
TimN5: Prowling Weka
TimN5: Prowling weka
TimN5: Weka chick
TimN5: Morning stroll
TimN5: Orange mushrooms
TimN5: old printing machine
TimN5: Typecase
TimN5: Typecase handle
TimN5: Sea shore
TimN5: Sea shore
TimN5: Sea shore
TimN5: IMG_7351 - 2016-01-15 at 16-18-16
TimN5: Field of young wheat plants in rows.
TimN5: Pylons and turbines