Sờ Đờ: Sleepless night
Sờ Đờ: Kill That Melon
Sờ Đờ: IMG_20160508_185109
Sờ Đờ: IMG_20160424_092646
Sờ Đờ: Japanese stuff be like
Sờ Đờ: 2016-02-07_12-51-16
Sờ Đờ: Last trip of this year. Another awesome experimence from my friends in thailand, love you guys. Check out the video on vimeo https://vimeo.com/147454238
Sờ Đờ: Smoking super stramp. #headlessteam #fomoem #vans
Sờ Đờ: It's called foodporn
Sờ Đờ: IMG_20151028_091957
Sờ Đờ: IMG_2200
Sờ Đờ: Invasion
Sờ Đờ: InstaSize_2015_5 _ 214992
Sờ Đờ: Gundam_at_first_time
Sờ Đờ: IMG_20150822_131301
Sờ Đờ: #wooden #pattern #architecture
Sờ Đờ: Ba @qminh làm nền cho hehe. #hehewazzup #contrast
Sờ Đờ: Upside down. #artdirection #phonography #sd
Sờ Đờ: Get lost on sunday! #getlost #sunday #igers #duoghome
Sờ Đờ: The #E | Keep up with those letters that I've missed before. #36daysoftype #36days_e #artdirection #furball #sd #latepost #blackandwhite
Sờ Đờ: Now I can hear you anyway! #sdstuffs #phonography #blackandyellow #skullcandy #mornings #decoration
Sờ Đờ: Peaceful time. #sdstuffs #sdnboo #peaceful #time
Sờ Đờ: The #C | Keep up with those letters that I've missed before. Create things make me feel better when I'm all alone. #36daysoftype #36days_c #latepost #phonography #bodypaint #blackandyellow #artdirection #sd
Sờ Đờ: Beauty 'n The Beast
Sờ Đờ: Pentax
Sờ Đờ: Floralgirl
Sờ Đờ: Duog Workshop 1st Lookbook