jotagallego: chaflán
jotagallego: anachronic sunset
jotagallego: horror story 2
jotagallego: horror story
jotagallego: stairway ... to heaven?
jotagallego: Upside down and upside again
jotagallego: pre-doctor in Alaska
jotagallego: from the bottom
jotagallego: geometry I
jotagallego: homogeneity
jotagallego: corridor
jotagallego: black birds fly…
jotagallego: godzilla project
jotagallego: Japanese stone lanterns
jotagallego: deer attack!!!
jotagallego: steady students in a salary-man world
jotagallego: vanishing point
jotagallego: anachronic portrait
jotagallego: a parade that summons peace
jotagallego: standing still in a windy, tiny world
jotagallego: hidden dragon
jotagallego: yet to be titled 2
jotagallego: opened wide
jotagallego: Kinematics
jotagallego: night scene in Tokyo
jotagallego: architecture & coffee
jotagallego: architecture & coffee (take 2)
jotagallego: there are no true beginnings or endings
jotagallego: my photographic tribute to japanese folding screen art
jotagallego: Three perspectives