kt.db: The Daddy of all Swings
kt.db: Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires
kt.db: Only ketsup???
kt.db: Walking to the hotel
kt.db: A Shelf Portrait
kt.db: From my veiw of things,
kt.db: Reflection of the present in the past
kt.db: Hot springs then....
kt.db: Winters' fingers
kt.db: Dripping wire
kt.db: frozen bolt
kt.db: A drop in the bucket
kt.db: Drop-o-Ice
kt.db: To infinity....
kt.db: 21st
kt.db: A witness of time
kt.db: Baskets
kt.db: ballpoint
kt.db: 92, 93, 94.......
kt.db: The morning brew
kt.db: The dust bunnies took it!!!!!
kt.db: If you are LOST.......
kt.db: Hey group!
kt.db: Frozen...
kt.db: Pure delight!
kt.db: I see you.....
kt.db: Cold, but not in spirit
kt.db: The Sleepers
kt.db: Looking up
kt.db: Have a seat