knitgirl: played out
Perkules: Interurban Trail, Bellingham
Gemma E. Petrie: Roasting everything left in the fridge.
knitgirl: it's the little things
knitgirl: Heatley Block happenings
Paul Thurlby: Handsome Frank
POP SNAP: Vancouver - April 1978
Willbryantplz: Thank you @adamjk! You are way too good.
POP SNAP: Vancouver - November 1977
Adrienne | hungrybruno: I'm 30 years old and I still get a kick out of a breakfast smiley face. #breakfast #eggs #swisschard #teehee
Pin Pals: Scribble House
knitgirl: Strathcona Living
dottie angel: a little 'gleeful' forsaken soul nativity...
knitgirl: 59'th parallel
WIP Hairport: fresh cut
WIP Hairport: short/long
WIP Hairport: assimetric fringe
WIP Hairport: fringe bob
WIP Hairport: fringe bob
WIP Hairport: assimetric
WIP Hairport: purple short
WIP Hairport: cool bangs
WIP Hairport: short curly haircut
knitgirl: wet day