kwparker: Happy 16th to the one who introduced me to a new kind of love! #isaacwoodardparker
kwparker: Happy Day to one of the Greatest!! #10goingon25
kwparker: Someone's gotta do it #eagervolunteersatthisage
kwparker: We aren't *only* about chickens! #firstharvest
kwparker: Deadline met, summer begins! #cleandesk #summervacay
kwparker: #kids2013
kwparker: Perfect #nofilter #junegarden
kwparker: Homework and my Henry #lifeisokay
kwparker: Evelyn's lemonade, cookie, and embroidery stand #streetvendor
kwparker: GOAL! #henryscores
kwparker: Henry shoots #soccer
kwparker: Henry's pass #pele
kwparker: Matilda, here we come!
kwparker: Kind of a calm witching hour today
kwparker: Final Four
kwparker: Someone's got my back #wishitwereworking
kwparker: #easter2013
kwparker: Easter for 40! #easter2013
kwparker: Getting ready to celebrate #Easter2013
kwparker: Redefining productive #whatdeadline
kwparker: Yesterday and today #nofilter
kwparker: It's cold out here? #henrygotallthebrains #parker6
kwparker: Winter break #parker6
kwparker: Winter break #parker6
kwparker: Last minute decision to make valentines
kwparker: Remnants of a happy afternoon @kimkaufmann @marykaufmann
kwparker: Happy Hour Series
kwparker: Date with audrey to Iris Dement concert #iriswithaudrey
kwparker: for baby Noemie Rice