SLeelee: Tres Amigos
JKönig: before the deluge
SLeelee: fountains at RiverFront
cmerow: Fuhgeddaboudit!
calvo: mom and the pooper
SLeelee: Sock monkey for Paige's bday
mommamia: Wilbur Likes Leaves
JKönig: lean on me
Esther17: sticks and sky
JanetD: The Tree
SLeelee: Socks from test-along
FitzClick: Dust Storm - Palm Springs
FitzClick: power plant
FitzClick: gerberae
A n t o i n e t t e: MAPLE FIREBALL: You Warm My Soul
Ulrich van Stipriaan: Grapefruit und Orange
Jaida: Indian Corn
redcipolla: Honeycombs
JKönig: blue on blue
F. Tronchin: Francesca in front of shiny Jeff Koons dog
Elise10: Beauwind
chemicallyunbalanced: See the little plane in the background?
FitzClick: Embarcadero Walkway
3seat: Otay
FitzClick: Litterati
FitzClick: feathercraft