Karl-Heinz Bitter: dunes of the namib
Karl-Heinz Bitter: fight club
njv232: Light behind bars
Pepe Munoz: Amanecer en Port d'Alcudia
Pepe Munoz: Sa Calobra, Torrent de Pareis
Pepe Munoz: Cala en Porto Cristo
Pepe Munoz: Plaza del Triunfo - Reales Alcázares
Pepe Munoz: Viajero
rafaela.linn: Grauer Alltag
rafaela.linn: red light district
Fear_Through_The_Eyes: Daybreak April 25
M Almassio (naomikean): Nube sobre la ciudad
Ruth and Dave: Mountaintop gelati
ceca67: On the Beach
rafaela.linn: Water is life
Eric.....: Blue skyes
neurosheep: IMG_8408_b
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Over the hedgerow..
Michael R. Cruz: 365 Project : Day 333
rainbowcave: the weather changes
Ollie_57.. Slowly catching up: Not all things.. are pretty..
Adrianosan Photo: Freccia Formellese
Adrianosan Photo: Golden grass
David Gimeno Redondo: Highlands - The Quiraing
.S.Y.I.B.L.I.: Sg.Hj.Dorani || .S.U.N.S.E.T.