art126: Virginia Rail
art126: Band-Tailed Pigeon
art126: Western Meadowlark
art126: Northern Flicker
art126: Northern Shrike
art126: Burrowing Owl
art126: Burrowing Owl
art126: Burrowing Owls
art126: Burrowing Owls
art126: Burrowing Owl
art126: Wandering Tattler
art126: Red Crested Cardinal
art126: Nikon Digiscope
art126: Common Yellowthroat
art126: Common Yellowthroat
art126: Downey Woodpecker and chick
art126: Cedar Waxwing and chick
art126: Black Oystercatcher
art126: Bullocks Oriole Female and Chick
art126: Common Yellowthroat
art126: Willow Flycatcher
art126: Eastern Kingbird
art126: Osprey
art126: Green Heron
art126: Marsh Wren
art126: Barn Swallow Baby
art126: Black-Headed Grosbeak
art126: Mountain Bluebird
art126: Brown Creeper
art126: Northern Harrier