jim_mcculloch: Enjoying the ride
jim_mcculloch: Checkered white and Texas thistle
Gaia (:: Parliamo del tempo che passa per non pensare al tempo che fa
jim_mcculloch: For your amusement
jim_mcculloch: Another variegated meadowhawk
jim_mcculloch: Wright's penstemon and honeybee
jim_mcculloch: Monarch butterfly on lantana flowers
jim_mcculloch: Gulf fritillary
Debi's kids (Here very little): Mattie, my beautiful persian
jim_mcculloch: Not actually a bee
jim_mcculloch: Green anole and dayflower
jim_mcculloch: Double-striped bluet
jim_mcculloch: Not smelling the flower...
jim_mcculloch: Halloween pennant
jim_mcculloch: Red saddlebags dragonfly
jim_mcculloch: Leopard frog
jim_mcculloch: Hackberry emperor
Ki'i 808: Getting Tubed and Loving It
jim_mcculloch: Gulf fritillary in flight
jim_mcculloch: Friday cat photo
Ady G.: Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ) UK
Sean Rumsey: IMG_2421
jose alberto_sg: Colmillos