Gijs Rijsdijk: Winter Glow
Gijs Rijsdijk: Chiesa di San Pietro
Gijs Rijsdijk: View on Monte Legnoncino
Gijs Rijsdijk: Autumn Woods European Robin Grey Squirrel
8lueskies: Greylag Geese
bear3741: Cathedral Stairs
flindersan: Motorway madness
yabberdab: Plain Sailing
coulportste: The Weir
Stan Smucker: Step into Tranquility
Stan Smucker: Unchartered Waters
hbensliman: Montecristo
hbensliman: Montecristo
frantiekl: The last rays
doughty.landscapes: Closer to the Shadows
Eric Kilby: Bathing Bear
Sultan Sultani: Brought Food for Her Love
Sultan Sultani: Wildlife
yan08865: When nature decides to paint with colors
Eric Kilby: Looking Up Glacier
Eric Kilby: Glacier Side Valley
Jocelyne F.: Mésange bicolore
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Auf Augenhöhe