4RB: Music
4RB: Good-natured
4RB: Apsinešęs rūpintojėlis (Hallucinogenic Jesus)
4RB: Dviese (Together)
4RB: Saulės pardavėjas (Sun seller)
4RB: Pramoninis medis (Industrial tree)
4RB: Pramoninė žolė (Industrial grass)
4RB: Paukštis (A bird)
4RB: Mechanical torso
4RB: Mechanical torso
4RB: Oh, fuck
4RB: Atstovas (representative)
4RB: Rytoj gyvensiu ilgiau (I'll eat less today... and live longer tomorow)
4RB: Stprios moters torsas (Torso of powerfull female)
4RB: Žiema (Winter)
4RB: Lietuvos talibas (lithuanian talib)
4RB: Fuck
4RB: Tower of winds
4RB: Erosion
4RB: Torso
4RB: Nude (dar viena nuogalė)
4RB: Nude (nuogalė)
4RB: Paslaptis (the secret)
4RB: Recumbent trike (gulimas triratis).
4RB: Tandem bicycle
4RB: Pavėjui (down the wind)
4RB: Gulimas dviratis (recumbent bicycle)
4RB: Birdhouses
4RB: Velo sur Loire
4RB: kabykla (hall-stand)