Nyssa Zheng: 179797_1286284533276_1715050974_490511_1076547_n
Liz Faulkner: 7am on the Rock Pile
asbimages.co.uk: Misty morning roar! [Explored - 16th October 2011]
Animalography: Kepler...
Animalography: Burning Bright..
Animalography: Has got everything but coffee...
Ania Tuzel Photography: King of the Kalahari Desert
ryanlai516: 彩霞
酷柏: _CPP5012e 晨曦
酷柏: _CPP6124e 都市叢林
Idon Lee: VP1X7162_Modify
nose_eko: 鹹光餅,吃平安
Leo的翹鬍子: Negative3-22-05(1)
nose_eko: 象山
nose_eko: 晚安曲
ryanlai516: Quiet
nose_eko: ::豪雨.The Heavy Rain::
Chocolate Liu: _DSC5387
酷柏: _CPP5218e 燈火闌珊處
ryanlai516: 旅人
nose_eko: 洗把臉再出發
Toyokazu: Punk Rock #1
nose_eko: Childhood
酷柏: _CPP5589e 烘爐大神
Chocolate Liu: 綠的漣漪
nose_eko: To Hide
R Lin: Taipei 101_vol.4
R Lin: Taipei 101_vol.1
glovesb: 01_七股夕陽(有一點耶穌光)
想翔: 攝日