Gessiempre: IMG_0225
georgeant: Wandering around Paris
georgeant: The Eiffel Tower
Lee Winder: Face
M0rph3u: Faces
paulbence: Faces
paulbence: Faces
svintus2010: face
Akbar Sim: An OX-ALIEN EYE
Brooklyn Cyclist: Pier 16, Manhattan Part 2
Brooklyn Cyclist: PIER 16, Manhattan, Tommy Pier Carnaval, Part 1
Akbar Sim: Den Haag Graffiti
Akbar Sim: Doel : Graffiti & Street art
LukeDaDuke: De Rotterdam
MatthewJamesTaylor: spider_gwen
Pahnl: Version two of the vinyl dog prototype is a little curvier than the first. Still looks like a penis, mind you. #pahnl #dog #vinyl
- LN in NL -: Eugene in Copenhague
Pahnl: 'Trojan Horse' This one's definitely heading to the glue factory. I had a lot of fun with this week's Wildcard Wednesday sticker. I use clear vinyl for my slaps, which meant I could paint the black hidden soldiers first, then their white outline (along w
repponen: L1002168
oerendhard1: Graffiti
realnasty: attitude
De.Ha: Happy swimmers
alejandra baci: el poema que no escribo
ShutterJack: Ballistic
wojofoto: graffiti amsterdam