Patrick Ng: Fancy for a #Chronodex day planner with #GTD tabs? Print on A4, 3-folded into Traveler's notebook size or simply use it as is for a bird's eye view of your task filled day. Putting it up for free download soon. #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #planner #
sethcbarber: Make Time for Writing
iam_julieb: Life.. #midori #travelersnotebook
iphotos_hf: Todays Gear.
archicraft74: Autumn arrival
iphotos_hf: Midori & Friends 1 | Midori Notebook & Rotring 600 Fountain Pen
thomas@flickr: Morning in my study
Freeze the Moment: TN_Blue_ed
thomas@flickr: My Travel Gear Set 01
Patrick Ng: Swearing by #Calligraphy is so much fun! #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #pilot #iroshizuku #ink #stationery #stationeryporn
Patrick Ng: 9 courageous souls allowed @attic_freezetm to emboss the Star Ferry stamp I brought along with Staz-on ink. Hahaha. Traveler's notebook Korean User Group gathering. #travel #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #stationery #stationeryporn #stationeryholic #bl
Ravenstone74: Blue with personalized touches.
Patrick Ng: Time to have coffee in Seoul at this hour. #Seoul #travelersnote #travel #travelersnotebook #stationery #stationeryporn #stationeryholic
Patrick Ng: Chimek (chicken and beer) is popular, but Pimek (pizza and beer) is the new popular in Korea. #korea #travel #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #chimek #pimek @seong_joon.shin
dessinauteur: Le Somail
Manuela Hoffmann: Week1, Traveler's Notebook Blue Edition & KAWECO Liliput
thomas@flickr: Keep a notebook with the Singer T-62 typewriter
furlane robin: promenade dans la campagne artoise
Isabel María Sánchez Gómez: Bosque gallego / Galician forest.
Marie's Shots: January 2015
dessinauteur: PRVNC - brushes n' pens.
Patrick Ng: 各大部門熾熱籌備中!名店坊新LOG-ON十二月十五日啟動TN及電車展。二十日、廿七日TN講座、襟章壓皮及分享會。詳情稍後公佈。 Last days of preparation from all departments! LOG-ON Fashion Walk new store to be opened on 15th Dec featuring TN and HK Tramways exhibition. TN talk, button and leather customisation, meet-
thomas@flickr: FIELD NOTES favor
thomas@flickr: For life to go exactly as planned.