Michael Rector: Jupiter - June 11, 2018
Michael Rector: M57 Ring Nebula June 11, 2018.
Michael Rector: 6.8% Waxing Crescent Moon, June 15, 2018.
Michael Rector: September 27, 2015 Super Blood Moon Eclipse
Michael Rector: M45 12-19-14 02
Michael Rector: *Abell 426 - The Perseus Galaxy Cluster*
Michael Rector: NGC 6992 06-08-14
Michael Rector: M13 06-08-14
Michael Rector: Trifid 6-1-14
Michael Rector: NGC 884 869
Michael Rector: M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
Michael Rector: M52 and NGC 7635 08-17-13
Michael Rector: NGC 4565
Michael Rector: NGC 6888
Michael Rector: M101 03-16-13
Michael Rector: M44 03-16-13
Michael Rector: M42 02-09-13
Michael Rector: M97 M108 03-09-13
Michael Rector: M81 & M82 03-08-13
Michael Rector: M34 11-11-12
Michael Rector: NGC 404 11-11-12