paperlink: 1954, styczeń. W. Bartosiak i Zdanowicz, prezes Związku Polaków w Apostoles, stolicy podzwrotnikowej prowincji Misiones. Argentyna.
T. Brian Hager: Signals in the Fog - IMG_4342
T. Brian Hager: Bridge Piers - IMG_3867
...arpi...: … chaos and escape? …
timz2011: League of Legends
timz2011: Ada Wong - Resident Evil
timz2011: Angel Dust - Hazbin Hotel
benoitcops: Miroir effect
Mr_Graflex: Yellow & Blue
Mr_Graflex: Coffee Mug
Mr_Graflex: Geodesic - Mirror
Mr_Graflex: Tree / Bisbee
Mr_Graflex: Sue plays in the rocks
Mr_Graflex: Wooden chairs
Vaidotas Mikšys: So I Took a Tram
dfrhling: HP5plus_Lipbach_240125_17_web
latentsifier: Illuminated Fixture
T. Brian Hager: Stop Ahead - IMG_9775
Mark Dries: Fragile
Raffaele Preti: Sotto il cielo sbagliato
T. Brian Hager: Crossing the Delaware River - IMG_9637
T. Brian Hager: Tree in Fog - IMG_9816 (Explored)
T. Brian Hager: Railroad Crossing - IMG_9854
marioandrei: Cafeteria Lily, Madrid
marioandrei: Nova, NSN997, Madrid
Po'Lazarus: A peek into my head