Hoot1: SS3_2669
dono heneman: Refuge du roc des deux vierges
joka2000: Good morning!
glenda.suebee: Golden Crowned Kinglet
siskokid: Brokeback Barn
thahawk: country bungalow
thahawk: forgotten cottage
joka2000: Autumn leaves
JB Wright: Imperial Moth
joka2000: Lotus #8
redow: Great Horned Owl Nest
DozerGuy: Rainbow Farms
thahawk: peaceful easy feeling
Hoot1: St. Louis cathedral
Craig - S: Bay City Fireworks
joka2000: Hydrangea
glenda.suebee: And a Few Minutes Later
joka2000: Oriental paperbush
David Sebben: 1540-Osborn Street
thahawk: ain't a gona need this house no longer
DabzAlot: Great Blue Heron
rjmonner: Morning Barn_174941
hobbitcamera: 815A2015-5 Plain Jane
CORDAN: yellow matter custard
CORDAN: Seattle Daze
CORDAN: A Sunset on the Beach for Sunset on the Beach 7
CORDAN: The Pacific Northwest
CORDAN: Waiting, watching