The L World: Hostage
Onasill - Bill Badzo - 207 Million Views: Canandaigua, New York ~ Ontario County Courthouse ~ Historical Building
Inkygirl: Me and Judy Blume (!!) at the 2014 SCBWI Summer Conference
p_c_alway: Highbanks Metropark Overlook Self-portrait
phillip2637: IMG_1258
DaveHuth: Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)
p_c_alway: Lillie Park 9 Red Berries
rochai: Water and rocks
Korak: Erin & Rand - Reception 389
CapturedByCarrieAnn: tdIMG_2263giraffeCROPfb
DaveHuth: Self Portrait With Toad! (Bufo americanus)
DaveHuth: rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa)
phillip2637: IMG_0824
Inkygirl: Proof that the squirrels really are out to get me
artbeco: Rand Bellavia Bio
Allisona: Rand duets with an absent Adam
phillip2637: BW_9707
Korak: FKO 2011 083
Lady Mondegreen: Muppets in chapel
Lady Mondegreen: Dr. Teeth plays the piano
Therese Kay: IMG_3722