icegraff: Döst & Wugo
doberman111: hamraborg yo snach & spam
morgunmatur: Brilliant Billiard
morgunmatur: Tropy, Goodkid42, Dock !
Ruglandi: Too much skunk tonight
icegraff: kyte
icegraff: crak
icegraff: crek
icegraff: Noem and Yea
icegraff: Were Not Cool
orgelpianoman: Swek kest
orgelpianoman: Wugo og angeldust
orgelpianoman: Nores, Big robot ,Osesh
Snorri94: OPES (Icelandic graffiti)
orgelpianoman: splat17
orgelpianoman: Bullshit. osesh. Hero. nerd. orange. dýr1. robo. store. trek. quas. and more
Citrus Topnote, Jr.: Splat by me
Citrus Topnote, Jr.: Mercski by Met
Citrus Topnote, Jr.: mine closeup