gryphon569: Memorial to Humphry Smith (d. 1743)
gryphon569: Everard monument
gryphon569: Cherub with foot resting on skull
gryphon569: Cherub with foot resting on skull
gryphon569: Skull under cherub's foot
gryphon569: Detail of memorial slab
gryphon569: Three cherubs with symbols of mortality
gryphon569: Fitzwalter Memorial
gryphon569: Cherub
gryphon569: Monument to John Revett (d. 1671) and his wife Alice (d. 1666)
gryphon569: Skull and Revett coat of arms
gryphon569: "A gratious virgin"
gryphon569: Robinson memorial
gryphon569: Squishy skulls
gryphon569: Cherub & skulls
gryphon569: Applewhaite coat of arms
gryphon569: Cherubs and coat of arms
gryphon569: Tomb of John Churchill
gryphon569: Cherubs with shield
gryphon569: Memorial on exterior south wall
gryphon569: Memorial plaque to Elizabeth MacDowall (d. 1670)
gryphon569: Memorial to John Kent (d. 1692)
gryphon569: Cherubs
gryphon569: Estopp monument
gryphon569: Cherub
gryphon569: Cherubs
gryphon569: Georgian chest tomb
gryphon569: Tombs in churchyard
gryphon569: Chest tomb
gryphon569: Chest tomb