gryphon569: Spire of St George's church, Bloomsbury
gryphon569: Spire of St George's church, Bloomsbury
gryphon569: Upper gallery
gryphon569: Leaves and lamp
gryphon569: Willoughby Street
gryphon569: Willoughby Street
gryphon569: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
gryphon569: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
gryphon569: Fountain
gryphon569: Orange Street
gryphon569: Shakespeare fountain
gryphon569: Charlie Chaplin statue
gryphon569: Walkway
gryphon569: Fourth plinth sculpture, Nelson's Column and London Eye
gryphon569: Exit hall (formerly the entrance hall)
gryphon569: On the portico
gryphon569: On the portico
gryphon569: St Martin-in-the-Fields from the National Gallery portico
gryphon569: The National Gallery
gryphon569: Exterior of St Pancras Station
gryphon569: "The Meeting Place"
gryphon569: Face on wall of Somerset House
gryphon569: Sphinx (with London Eye in the distance)
gryphon569: Sphinx (with London Eye in the distance)
gryphon569: Cleopatra's Needle
gryphon569: The London Eye
gryphon569: The footbridge adjoining Hungerford Bridge
gryphon569: Statue of William Tyndale
gryphon569: Tugboat funnel and London Eye
gryphon569: Looking across the Thames