The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Accurater Grundriß und Prospect Der Kön. Schwed. Reichs. U. Hauptstadt Stockholm ;"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Carte Des Courones Du Nord Comprenant La Suede, Le Danemarc, &c Dediee a sa Majeste, le Roy De Suede, Des Gots Et Des Vandales Grand Duc De Finlande &c. &c. &c. Par Guil. Delisle Premier Geographe du Roi de l'Acade
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Les Royaumes de Suede Et De Norwege divise En Leurs Provinces ou Gouvernemens, Par Le S. Robert De Vaugondy Geog. ord. du Roi, de S. M. Pol. Duc de Lorraine et de Bar, et de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences et Belles L
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Scandia, Or Scandinavia Comprehending Sweden and Norway, with the Danish Islands; to which is added the remainder of the possessions of Denmark."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Exactissima totius Scandinaviae tabula, qua tam Sueciae, Daniae, et Norvegiae Regna, in subjacentes eorum Ditiones divisa, quam aliae Regiones adjacentes accuratissime ostenduntur per Nicolaum Visscher Amst: Bat: c
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Scandinavie, ou sont les Estats de Danemark, de Suede, &c. par N. Sanson le fils, Georg. du Roy."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Regni Norvegia ;"
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Det sydlige Norge efter kongelig Allernaadigst Befalning ved Hielp af gode geographiske Korter og mathematiske Observationer sammendraget og aflagt under Bestÿrelse af I. Erichsen. Aar 1785. ved C.I. Pontoppidan."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Bergen in Norway. "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "Map of Asia."
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "MAP OF THE COUNTRIES lying between the EUPHRATES AND INDUS on the East and West, and the OXUS AND TEREK AND INDIAN OCEAN ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH. "
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "To the hon.ble the court of directors of the East India Company, this improved map of India, compiled from all the latest & most authentic materials, is respectfully dedicated by their most obedient & most humble s
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "A survey of the country on the eastern bank of the Hughly, from Calcutta to the fortifications at Budgebudge, including Fort William and the post at Manicolly Point, and showing the extent and situation of the diff
The British Library:
The BL King’s Topographical Collection: "LES ISLES PHILIPPINES MOLUCQUES et de la SONDE "