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RisingWave Photo: "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Rumi A vossa verdadeira viagem já começou há muitos anos no vosso coração... contin
RisingWave Photo: Just you me and the sunset... wrapped in warm and passionate memories to forget... "Writing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo." Don Marquis www.risingwavephoto.com #landscape #surf #surfphotos
RisingWave Photo: "Writing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo." Don Marquis www.risingwavephoto.com #landscape #surf #surfphotos #surfer #surfing #surfeurope #surflinker #dslmag #dailyroutine #liquidsoul #classic
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RisingWave Photo: Love happens... #landscape #ishot #memories #moments #inspiration #dedication #lifestyle #happyplace #dslmag #instagood #happy #happyplace #portugalcomefeitos #portugal #dailyroutine #portugalcomefeitos #portugalemclicks #love #color #liquidsoul #weedin
RisingWave Photo: They did... #landscape #ishot #memories #moments #inspiration #dedication #lifestyle #happyplace #dslmag #instagood #happy #happyplace #portugalcomefeitos #portugal #dailyroutine #portugalcomefeitos #portugalemclicks #love #color #liquidsoul #weeding #g
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RisingWave Photo: "There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory." Josh Billings www.risingwavephoto.com #landscape #surf #surf #surfing #surfingportugal #ishot #memories #moments #inspiration #dedication #lifestyle #happyplace #dslmag #blue #in
RisingWave Photo: Aqueles momentos mágicos da memória que o tempo faz esquecer... #landscape #surf #surf #surfing #surfingportugal #ishot #memories #moments #inspiration #dedication #lifestyle #happyplace #dslmag #blue #instagood #p3top #wave #portugalcomefeitos #portugal