phogtom: I love when my mom lets me know when wonderful people it know are being given public recognition. Congrats Dave. The Willistead is so great.
phogtom: Open Mic Surgery with James O-L begins around 10pm tonight. Come and play a few songs. We love variety. $5 pints are in effect when we open at 8pm. You can get one of our 7 draught beers (Wellington, Walkerville, Steam Whistle, Motor Craft Ales) and tall
phogtom: I doubt you know the Scarborough Dude, but he basically comes to Windsor every year to tell me I'm doing everything wrong. Actually, he comes to sleep over at @shanepotvin 's place and run amok. The browbeating is just his extra pleasure.
phogtom: She wanted me to photograph the Goldfish anomaly.
phogtom: Chomp.
phogtom: A great piece of Phog Drawing Book art from Innes Wilson and His Opposition when they played a long time ago. Tom and Frank. A bit of writing notes, "any piece of art is better w/ lightning". #tenyearsofphog
phogtom: Tonight. Get there early or be in the cold.
phogtom: New Windsor band, Brother, debuted their post rock, space rock vibe tonight at Phog. Quite invigorating. Like a sonic, neural massage. I'm anxious to have them back.
phogtom: #fb #phog #tw
phogtom: Vice Aerial has been the magnificent trio playing Phog every Wednesday, but last week were a five-piece, including Alistair Cameron on hand drum and Mark Calcott on keys. It's brilliant. And it's free. Tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 10pm we do it again. Al
phogtom: We have such creative diners at Phog.
phogtom: Congratulations to Toast Open Mic Poetry for reaching ONE YEAR of high quality, well-attended poetry readings at Phog Lounge. A major achievement and dedication shown by @bennytoealexander and Coley Coffman! Way to go!
phogtom: Beer. Surgery. Dr. James O-L. It's Monday again. Open Mic Surgery welcomes you to perform a few songs on the guitar provided by James...or with the one you bring. Does Nate let people use his drums? Drumtimes. $5 for 20oz pints of all 7 craft beers on tap
phogtom: Phog Lounge
phogtom: Tonight's show, in a fresh building, is going to be extremely well received by the throng of music fans that like variety in a love show. Three top notch locals holdin' it down tonight.
phogtom: Thomas "The Hitman" Hearns was within feet of me most of the game. Pretty excellent. A legend.
phogtom: At the press table with Kim Elliott. Doing play-by-play at the first Canadian basketball game ever held in a casino. It was epic! Windsor Express defeat London Lightning.
phogtom: NBL professional basketball game at Caesars Windsor! Windsor Express vs. London Lightning (defending champs). Kimba Elliott and I doing live WETV broadcast. Game starts soon.
phogtom: Early morning at the diner. The plan from last night, executed masterfully today. Yessssssss. The things you need to do when your fridge is a food-warming piece of junk.
phogtom: Goodbye, crazily-overly-vandalized-Phog-bathroom-mirror.
phogtom: $5 pints tonight. Open at 8pm. Open Mic starts at 10pm.
phogtom: This is The Lance, in November 1998. Yes, that's LINDY, who I never thought had played Windsor before 2005, when he played the University's pub! And below/left...Christian Aldo at Park Street Gallery. I'm just staring blankly at this.
phogtom: My favourite "Entertoonment" comic I had published in the Globe and Mail. It ran October 25, 2000. I was 21. We poked fun at the VERY well-spoken Rex Murphy, and as I understand it, it's still framed in or near his office. When Jason (comic partner) and I
phogtom: My brother Cary made this by boring shallow holes into a block of wood and painting it afterward. It was a gift to me on my 22nd birthday. It's my high school grad photo, huge loop earring and all. Anyone ever seen something like this before?
phogtom: A portrait of Ron Marston, artist unknown, signed JH. Found this in Phog Drawing Book Number 4.
phogtom: City of Windsor snow removal crew mangled one of our bike racks. I'm taking bets for how long it takes to replace it. My guess? June 1st. Your guess?
phogtom: The Walkervilles played a nice surprise show last night at 11:45pm. It was hoppin'. Great stuff. And it looks like tonight, Ron Leary is playing a last-minute Friday night gig, and bringing friends along!
phogtom: This kid!
phogtom: The five most wonderful Open Mic Surgery hosts one could ask for. Left to right: Ron Leary, George Madison, Ray Whimsey, James O-L and Tara Watts.
phogtom: Ray Whimsey is coming from Toronto. Ron Leary has been trying to get out of Chicago in the deep freeze for days, but he's finally Windsor-bound. Tara Watts and George Bozanich are local behemoths ready to rumble. James O-L, current host, is JUST recoverin