happysewlucky: Hey world, congrats on your changing perception of women. And congrats to Andrea Constand for her courage, perseverance and long-fought for victory. It seems fitting to launch this today with all the talk in the media. So here it is my friends: the PDF ve
happysewlucky: Happy Saturday everyone! Here she is in all her glory: my #tattooquilt top. Over a year's work, much researching and lots of soul searching. I have so enjoyed the journey. Thanks so much to my awesome team of testers. Thanks to my sweet customers for buyi
happysewlucky: ✨Big reveal for Worldwide Quilting Day✨: The mega centre block of my #tattooquilt. "Open heart, open mind" is how I would like to be ...always. ❤️ It is how I try to face challenges and adversities. It's a tough gig though, and I'm
happysewlucky: #RESPECTtattoopattern - the final border block of my #tattooquilt! This sweet doe represents womanhood: feminine, graceful, intuitive & nurturing, but when necessary, she can be fierce. It seems this fierceness has been roused of late. We are not asking t
happysewlucky: My revised #WISDOMtattoopattern with a repost of the inspiration: Ninth block in my #tattooquilt series, this one represents our inner wisdom & intuition. The voice that is frequently drowned out by the barrage of "expert" information, political jargon &
happysewlucky: Finally, the wait is over! (Thanks for your patience, friends) *10% off for today* (Etsy store only. Price already adjusted.) Inspiration behind this block: On August 6, 1945, #SadakoSasaki was exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. She
happysewlucky: Whoohoo! New pattern release! #HEARTtattoopattern ❤️Make a little somethin' for a sweetie in your life. Or if you don't have a Valentine, make your own. This pattern has zero calories, won't drop any petals, and will still be lovely the morning afte
happysewlucky: 2017 has been a dramatic year for women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but the shift in momentum is about bloody time! So this quilt is for you, girls. For those who started the year wearing pussy hats marching against hate and inequality. For the
happysewlucky: Looking to hang out with lovely quilty peeps on Sunday? Come and join me in Ottawa and piece this pattern. Details on the @ottmqg website. You don't have to be a member to sign up.
happysewlucky: 50% OFF for the next 24 hours. ☮️ No coupon necessary. Link in profile for Etsy or search Happysewlucky on Craftsy. . . #PEACEtattoopattern #happysewluckyshop #happysewlucky
happysewlucky: Hey Toronto! My lovely @cosmocampbell is having his first show. For those of you who don't know him, check out #nocturnaltourist For this series he shoots urban & industrial buildings & landscapes at night, often in the middle of winter at insanely cold
happysewlucky: Standing up to inequalities, racism and prejudice requires courage, vim & vigour. Many are marching to stand up for their rights and freedom, or for those of others. Confrontation is uncomfortable, and scary at times. But we are stronger as a community -
happysewlucky: GRACE is a trait that requires a special kind of inner strength & emotional discipline. Especially when faced with prejudice, disrespect or unkindness. It's so much easier to resort to anger and revenge, than to respond with dignity and grace. There are a
happysewlucky: Some people are scared of FURY, and think of it as negative. And of course, at times this is valid. However FURY is an essential emotion - it is FURY that puts fire in our hearts when we feel a sense of injustice. And it’s FURY that, when channelled posit
happysewlucky: Woot! ⭐️My HOPE tattoo pattern is now out. ⭐️I am super excited about this one. Available in my Etsy shop (link In profile) and on Craftsy (search happysewlucky) Look forward to seeing what you all do with it. . Swallows symbolized hope to sailo
happysewlucky: Love Heart Tattoo pillow
happysewlucky: Love Heart Tattoo pattern
happysewlucky: New pattern in my Etsy store: Based on the concept of Kanizsa illusions. I designed this for a math geek friend after we shared a breakfast of poached eggs and neuroperception banter. Think I may have to make a quilt with the pattern. . (Link to my shop
happysewlucky: Super happy with how my #Midtownbag turned out. This fabric is the biz. Made it as a sample for @fabricspark's new fab store. There's a second opening celebration there today from 10am - 4pm. (471 Cosburn ave) Pop in and say hi to Daryl (@fabricspark) &
happysewlucky: New paper-piecing pattern in my shop: these juicy lips! 💋 And I pimped out this pouch with a sample of the fabulous new range of pompoms from @fabricspark. They are deluxe quality, peeps. Not all pompoms are created equal. 💕 Find them in F
happysewlucky: My "Juxtapositions" Quilt ready to hang in the #TMQG booth at #CQA. Another awesome graffiti wall - thank you Toronto! 💙 I'm really loving the chunky binding, inspired by @latifahsaafirstudios Thanks @steffwess for quilting this so speedily for
happysewlucky: Officially loving the sprinkle binding. #hundredsandthousandsquilt #nonpareils #nonpareilquilt #sprinklebinding #sprinklequilt #konacotton
happysewlucky: "Shattered" My finished mini got the #TMQG challenge for the #CQA show. My fave thing about this pic is that it's shot against the wall of our Van house that I miss so much. 💙 #tmqgCQAchallenge #konacotton #improvquilting
happysewlucky: Sometimes life gives us surprises. The recipient of this quilt was just that. So I decided to design a baby quilt that represented a happy surprise - the burst of joy that she would bring to the world. I got to meet and squeeze her last night. And she mad
happysewlucky: Finished piecing my #tmqgCQAchallenge. Now to figure out how to quilt it.
happysewlucky: Thanks Toronto for yet another perfect wall to shoot against. My #GalleryTunic in action. #memademay16
happysewlucky: Made another #popitinyourpursehoney needlebook. This one for @entropyalwayswins, who sent me this stylin' shot of it because, in my enthusiasm to get to the post office, I forgot to take a pic. (Pattern in my Etsy shop)
happysewlucky: Pretty excited about this finish! Will have to wait for the weekend to get a proper shot of my dandy new #🍎pants. I'm super happy with how they turned out. Thanks @angela.atkinson for your fearless guidance in slashing and altering patterns for our
happysewlucky: Close up of the hem facing of my dandy #🍎pants! #CottonandSteelPicnic
happysewlucky: My finished block for @zakfoster.quilts #43for43 project. "E" for "Emiliano", but also for "Esperanza" (Hope). Hope that the families find answers and some peace in their hearts. The 43 represents his fellow students and friends that are missing. I had