Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, gathering ourselves...
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, gathering ourselves...
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, gathering ourselves...
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, A line of conversation, gathering ourselves, and a "bit of lecture" possible.
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, A line of conversation, gathering ourselves, and a "bit of lecture" possible.
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, gathering ourselves...
Marilyn Michele K:
Exhibition 2009, A line of conversation, gathering ourselves, and a "bit of lecture" possible.
Marilyn Michele K:
A line of conversation, gathering ourselves, and a "bit of lecture" possible, 2009 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Gathering ourselves, 2009 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
A line of conversation, gathering ourselves, 2009 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
"a bit of lecture", 2009 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Audience initiated response to performativity, 2009 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check, 2008 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check, 2008 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check, 2008 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check, 2008 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Ode to the boob check, 2008 Exhibition
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no.9
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no. 7
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no. 4
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no. 3
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no. 2
Marilyn Michele K:
Food you can trust, Maldon veg store, no. 1
Marilyn Michele K:
A line of converstation, gathering ourselves, and a "bit of lecture" possible, Shasta College 2009
Marilyn Michele K:
Mind mapping on 5 folds
Marilyn Michele K:
Marilyn Michele K:
Blue Print Logo UC Berkeley
Marilyn Michele K:
Beaded Prayer close
Marilyn Michele K:
Winter Human Herding, cutting through the herd.