stephiepeterson: Gibson Block on AMH for Elizabeth.
stephiepeterson: Tree blocks for Nancy.
stephiepeterson: After I finished fixing the wallet, I worked on my "be" blocks for @springleafstudios Hope you like them, Anne! Can't wait to see what fabulous things you do with these. Hope my low volumes are low volume enough on the bottom there. These were super fun!
stephiepeterson: August Midcentury Modern Bee blocks for Mary S.
stephiepeterson: July blocks for Sherri.
stephiepeterson: Blueberry Kisses Blocks for Rene'
stephiepeterson: Churndash Blocks for Carla
stephiepeterson: Sample Gibson Block for Stephanie April 2016
stephiepeterson: IMG_0186
stephiepeterson: Economy blocks
stephiepeterson: Section 10 of Patchwork City quilt.
stephiepeterson: Book block for Cindy.