ouphotoguy: Campus Corner World
jdawn1982: 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse
robynokcgc: Hospital at Darlington Agency
voca dave: old ice house in Atoka
Sergio Garcia Rill: It's lonely at the top
@neilheeney: Target Practice
ouphotoguy: Round 2 Game 2
David Parks - davidparksphotography.com: Even through the bad, we must push forward
aboutrc: Yosemite at night. For more information on my stuff, please make sure to visit www.aboutrc.com
tobey308: Hay Meadow in Autumn
tobey308: South Canadian River Spectacle
jwallacephoto: Wichita Sunrise
Gary P Kurns: TheStorm
Lost America: Meat X-ray
rhythmandcode: Sunset in Courtland
Scott Kindred: B-17 Night Aluminum Overcast
TakenPictures: The Better Half
Noel Kerns: Christian Church
barefoot momma photography: Day2-Bird feeder
Thomas Shahan: Female Striped Horse Fly (Tabanus lineola)
rhythmandcode: The Finger of God
rhythmandcode: Thunderbird Sunset