irishpunk59: 2018-01-04_04-18-39
irishpunk59: 2017-07-30_07-27-24
irishpunk59: #drst over nighter Truckee River canyon.
irishpunk59: The Incredible Hulk Sierra Nevada
irishpunk59: The Incredible Hulk Sierra Nevada
irishpunk59: The Incredible Hulk Sierra Nevada
irishpunk59: Caught red handed, Omar climbed on up the realized he couldn't get back down. This is where I found him.
irishpunk59: 2017-04-14_07-48-30
irishpunk59: Little touring, Kybuz Flats
irishpunk59: I believe taken with the XA, MB2 waiting out the rain.
irishpunk59: 2016-12-26_05-30-48
irishpunk59: Ghost of its former self
irishpunk59: 2016-05-21_04-34-05
irishpunk59: Part of my triathlon that involved skiing, record store day and eating
irishpunk59: Objects are closer than they appear.
irishpunk59: DSCN4523
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irishpunk59: Tamarack Circumnavigation
irishpunk59: At the end of circumnavigation of Tamarack Peak. Just beat the snow.
irishpunk59: Sweet little Scoutie girl
irishpunk59: 2016-02-04_08-31-30
irishpunk59: Another day another boring picture of snow.
irishpunk59: Happy New Years from the Chuter chair.
irishpunk59: Little Norway tour
irishpunk59: Real shite show out in the yard.