Archkyrie - Coffee: Weapon of The Royal Guard (White Pawn)
davidman_92: PMG Text
Slayer [PMG]: FS+ Mk 87
Keeb - KSystems • SPW: SPW "Terrain" G3 "Mizu" M0
Just Woitek now.: Sniper Rifle
Keeb - KSystems • SPW: AW 56 "Chikara" TC
Keeb - KSystems • SPW: RBW "Ikari" T1
Just Woitek now.: Designated Marksman Rifle
Robbe25: Motoko AR
Keeb - KSystems • SPW: FCR "Coyote" - (The Fist)
j_m_r_c: Josh's Post-Apoc M7 SAWS
Robbe25: Non-bullpup Steyr AUG
Archkyrie - Coffee: WEZ-Atlantis redux
I am Torongo: M4 custom
Pack.Rat- WOLF GANG: Twisted Alphabet
Archkyrie - Coffee: STLG Accelerated Entropy System
╔╛PacerCoin╘╗: Personal Jesus
CJDodo - SPW/J-TAC: 'Callous' .75 Magnum Revolver
KatUteeV » totally dead: ZAZ 965 "Pimp My Gun" tuning
PMG Pat The Specter: Captain Warhauls Boarding pistol
JMH, a SleepyHead: Arms 2: Rams
Sol_LUNAR: Parelthon
YankeeCherokee: Modern MP40
bowlingdude47: Mosin-Nagant M1891/30
Archkyrie - Coffee: What it Cost
J.Joker: Stoeger 2000std. shotgun
KillerTacoz2: 60 round LMG for Walkable's challenge #4.