adrians_art: Burning Skies
adrians_art: Rising in the Centre of the Marshes
adrians_art: Flight of Geese
H44B: Still waiting for the exit line [explore]
Stu Patterson: The cross of changes More Pfun at Pfeiffer... Early light at Horseshoe Bend Ventura 10-Stop
lu.ciole: Lake Autier
soleá: harmonista II
Bill Dreit: RainDrops2_©BillDreitlein2012
potopoto53age: Color of life…Yellow (SIGMA DP3 Merrill)
Sean Batten: Keep Left
Luciano Casagranda: Pietro..another
Luciano Casagranda: Localita Palu
M.*: cu stejar
giovanibr: Uccellino e Patroclus
richard carter...: dungeness b&w
richard carter...: folkestone
Carlos A. Objio Sarraff: 9697 - Salinas Puerto Hermoso - Republica Dominicana
Madison Guy: Green Heron Closeup
JosephPadiernos: 73/365: Last stop
JosephPadiernos: Complete Mix