Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Tale figlia____________Tale Figlia
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_di capelli e nuova tecnologia
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_di birre e nuova tecnologia
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
follow________________the white rabbit
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_____________________Little Red Riding Hood
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_____________________________Three/3 hands
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
il Sonno_________________________dei Giusti
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
__________________business Card
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
___Quando non ho più blu, metto del rosso
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_____________Collezione Primavera-Estate
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
sua Altezza______________mio Marito
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
_______________________La prima Moglie
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
___________________________In this style 10/6
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
____________________________Classe 2006
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
____________________________TE' verde
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
ostinata e contraria__________direzione
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
__________________My personal Candymancan
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
________________________________no fear
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
__________________89 90 e 91 esimo folle
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
Pinocchio_________________Carmelo bene
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
pentax twins_______________
Mad Hatter [looking for the phase R.E.M.]:
____Brindisi avvenuto con successo. Riavviare ora?