R.Goff1: Juggernaut
Sᴀnder: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.LD - Ghost Rider
enigmabadger: Announcing the BrickArms Fan Choice 2017 - Cast Your Vote!
vegaban: Browning M1917
Project Azazel: Russian Dshk
vegaban: USMC MG gunner in Tarawa in progress3
vegaban: German motorcycle w/sidecar1
vegaban: German motorcycle w/sidecar2
vegaban: German motorcycle w/sidecar3
vegaban: German motorcycle w/sidecar4
shoco 箱子大魔王: Thranduil The Hobbit
Brick Police: Shanked
Tuminio: Lego Dead Space N7 Suit
vegaban: Tank hunter in progress, before weapons, gear and matt varnish
Detroitika - Tanner Jon A.: Lego Rogue One: What the Darkness Does
Kangwook13: Lego Devgru
Panzerbricks: AFicha-PanzerVA
R.Goff1: SFOD-D Marksman
THE BRICK TIME Team: LEGO DC Super Heroes 76075 - Wonder Woman Warrior Battle
Garry_rocks: Obliterator Rex with Storm Raptors
R.Goff1: "S.A.S." Kitbash
Saint Joan of Arc Superstar: Chuchoter un Cri de Guerre : Jeanne d'Arc et La Première Guerre Mondiale / Whisper A Battle Cry: Joan of Arc and The First World War
Eínon: AH-1G Cobra - Spanish Navy
R.Goff1: Multicam Operator
MGF Customs: LEGO Logan : X-23
Andrey Petrov (Duhastik): Diorama Afghan War
Detroitika - Tanner Jon A.: Clouds to the East
R.Goff1: Future Merc Spec Ops
Mad physicist: Daryl and his chopper from The Walking Dead