Sassafras Lane Designs: New Pattern - Churndash Court
Between Quilts: rugby stripes blocks for Katie
filminthefridge: marcelle plus quilt
Cut To Pieces: Flowering Snowball
Cut To Pieces: Dream a Little Dream - Complete
Cut To Pieces: Where Bluebirds Fly
kelbysews: Pretty {little} Pouch complete!
SewKellySews: Pretty {little} Pouch Swap - Take 3!
Sarah @ FairyFace Designs: Finished circles mug rug from Rachel's great tute: #naptimesewing #quilt
Miss Stash Would: Pillow front - I <3 the '80s Swap
shecanquilt: Low volume triangles
wooden spoon: Making a start on my small item
RBourke: Material-1
Incorgiable2: Weekender!
Incorgiable2: Weekender!
Incorgiable2: Weekender!
Incorgiable2: Weekender 2.0
Incorgiable2: Circus
Incorgiable2: Weekender 2.0
Providence Handmade: Amy Butler Weekender Bag
uberstitch: Fab Little Quilt Swap
wooden spoon: Elegant Teapot Paper Pieced
wooden spoon: feather pillow in the pipeline
wooden spoon: PTS10 fabric pull
wooden spoon: PTS10 from Knotted Thread :-)
wooden spoon: Tui Feathers Quilted Pillow
wooden spoon: Another 4" Asterisk