Luigi Loquarto gig: 59 Frammentazione cromatica su cane
Luigi Loquarto gig: 61 Frammentazione cromatica su cavallo
lecercle: A Confortable life
jerry shawback: drawing 442 @jshawback
Azarah Eells: dawn chorus
lecercle: Blow Up - New Delhi : A Photographic Street Intervention by
lecercle: Bandra 1/2
lecercle: Bandra Hipsters
lecercle: Take Courage
lecercle: Cycles of Sleep
lecercle: people. recent
lecercle: Baul on the train to Calcutta
lecercle: The Remains of the Watson Hotel - 2
lecercle: Calcutta Coffee House - 4
lecercle: Calcutta Coffee House - 3
lecercle: Dhobi Ghat [Photo 6]
jessieroth: 302/365
jessieroth: 304/365
Azarah Eells: it doesn't really matter, i'll go where you feel