fuseholder: Kalottenfraktur
ShimmeringGrains: Isle of Arran, Scotland
ShimmeringGrains: Little cottage dressed in autumn colors. EXPLORE #23
adamlewis22: Portra 400VC
Mikael Langer: Autumn Berries
Ulla M.: Seile
Ma®tini: PORTRA800_1502_2_15
Darragh Sherwin: Rocks of Ardanary
Robbie McIntosh: (BMW E12 520)
AlexBurke: Last Light on the Racetrack
Robbie McIntosh: (· · · — — — · · ·)
Anton_Kicker: Kristina
FabrizioBarbieri: Dead tree in the death valley
@FrancescoP: Marittime Alps (low res sample scan) - fuji Velvia 100F 4x5
Matteonibo: Marche
Silbhe.: Life in colors
Atli Orn: Torrent
Dave Carroll: Dekilah - Sinar P
trombontim: priya
stophoto: Film Rules - Large Format - 4x5